Feature Requests

Your feedback, feature requests and bug reports.

  1. Response required

    Hey recently, I had a security issue with my discord account, and it had a bot spamming links to discord servers. I just got everything resolved and back to normal but I got kicked out of the LS discord. Can someone unban me from the discord? I am happy to message anyone and prove that it will not happen again.

    Cameron C
    #Feature Request 💡


  2. FoW Tracking

    Currently FOW tracking is only showing in minimap, could it be possible to add small icon or better the champion walking in red (like when you see them with red ward in a bush).. in the map also like that video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KytBhI80D9w I think red champion will be so awesome!

    #Feature Request 💡#Awareness 👀#Utility ⚡


  3. DirectX 11 Support

    Should give much better performance and FPS on certain systems. Perhaps better support for certain IntelHD integrated graphics as well.

    #Feature Request 💡


  4. Exp Tracker

    Exp tracker near hpbar

    #Feature Request 💡#Awareness 👀


  5. please add diana q 99% hit skill

    Diana's Q skill track is placed diagonally from the right. Using the track to hit the enemy, rather than using the explosion at the end, is a skill that powerful players will use, and can greatly improve the hit rate of Q skill. Personally, I think this is a very important change. Please consider it and add it in time.

    #Feature Request 💡#Champion 🔥#Bug 🐛


  6. Lane Freeze

    Last Hit minion when HP is lowest as possible to still CS it Key Binding X+LMB

    #Feature Request 💡#Orbwalker 🏹


  7. Auto Level

    its a must have as its important to have if you are mid fight level to 6. Available as Lua script for now: https://legendsen.se/topic/1388-auto-spell-leveler

    #Feature Request 💡#Utility ⚡


  8. Panic Clear

    Panic clear needs to be added urgently. Especially on ADC its otherwise impossible to perform well in lane. I would argue the same is true for mid and top. Description: Constantly use AA and spells to clear wave as quickly as possible while preserving as much CS as possible, but sacrifice for clear speed.

    #Feature Request 💡#Orbwalker 🏹#Utility ⚡


  9. Activator megapost

    Activator improvements: Potions Use at X% HP Don't use in base/if recalling Don't use at level 1 Heal Use at X% HP Heal self/ally if incoming damage is lethal ^ Only use in combo Barrier Use if incoming damage is lethal Use if incoming damage X%HP Use at X% HP ^ Only use in combo Ignite Use at X% HP Use if killable with combo (maybe has to be built into champ script) Disable spell cast assist if target is disabled in menu Exhaust Disable spell cast assist if target is disabled in menu Cleanse Only use above X%HP (so not wasted when you're like 5% HP) Activator: Shurelya's Battlesong Use if X allies in range Use if enemy nearby in X range ^ Only use in combo Redemption Use if X allies in range ^ Only use in combo Locket of the Iron Solari Use if incoming damage is lethal (ally/self) Use if X allies in range Use at X% HP ^ Only use in combo Gargoyle Stoneplate Use if X enemies in range Use at X% HP ^ Only use in combo Prowler's Claw Use if killable with combo (again maybe has to be built into champ script) Use to gapclose ^ Only use in combo Youmuu's Ghostblade Use in flee (if <HP%) Hextech Rocketbelt Use in flee (if <HP%) Galeforce Use if enemy killable ^ Only use in combo Zhonya's/Stopwatch Use at X% HP Use if incoming damage is lethal Use for important spells (and spell list maybe) Auto use Pyke 'Your Cut' Auto buy blue ward at level 9 Auto buy sweeper when support item completed +rep tony for help with list

    #Feature Request 💡#Utility ⚡#Multi-Idea 🤪




    #Feature Request 💡#Champion 🔥


  11. Zeri: Suggestions

    Option to ignore minion collision on Q Wall jumps Draw ultimate timer

    #Feature Request 💡#Champion 🔥#Multi-Idea 🤪


  12. Azir Script Request

    While I understand that the Azir script was added a while ago purely to support an exploit that was unpatched at the time, I think Azir should be an actual champion script. I'm sure this has been said thousands of times over on the Guilded server so I'll keep it concise, it would just be really cool to see what the LS dev team could do with a champ like Azir (insecs etc). I'm not necessarily asking that the addition/readdition/rework of an Azir script should be pushed to be a priority at all, I just think it would be cool to add sometime in the near future, after a champ like Akali gets supported.

    #Champion 🔥


  13. Backport Sniper

    Can we please get a Backport Sniper script for all global Skillshots like: Ezreal, Jinx, Ashe. I will us the Ult to the backport location when the target can be killed with the Ultimate. Please also enter some random delay so the target will be hit close before the backport is finished to prevent some backport cancelation. It could be similar to this one from different platform: https://i.imgur.com/UCaC4uR.png I guess we already have the backport location + Health from the enemies. BaseUlt is to obvious these days and will get you banned very soon, so this would be amazing to get Many thanks.

    #Utility ⚡


  14. Fix AA cancels at max range + Improve OrbWalker

    This request is just there to see how many people want this to be fixed, I've already sent every needed informations to fix that to LegendSense, I also gave him informations to make Orb kite faster (like few ms faster)



  15. Yuumi AFK Bot

    Please make a champion script for yuumi, ideally one that we can afk and the bot play by itself. It will walk to nearest ally or adc, attach to them, auto heal when low, auto Q when enemy is near, and auto R as well. if ally's attached dead or afk in fountain, yuumi will attach to another teammate instead.

    PRO M
    #Feature Request 💡#Champion 🔥
